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Our wines using this grape variety are listed below.

Also called "Pinot Noir" or "red Burgundy" in countries like France (ie. Romanee De Conti) , Australia…etc.

This is a classic grape and part of the most famous grape family. One of the oldest varieties, cultivated from wild grapes.

Widely considered to produce some of the finest wines in the world.

It is also a difficult variety to cultivate and transform into wine.

Someone said; "God made Cabernet Sauvignon whereas the devil made Spätburgunder".

Too hot the weather may cause jamminess, on the other hand too cool the weather the grassy taste & lack of aroma would make no one happy.

Therefore global warming & the geological advantages benefit German Spätburgunder and German red wine in general.

It is the King of the red wine grapes, warm and soft to the taste, harmonic with full flavor and a touch of cherries and blackberries. Most of the wine should be drink young and store no longer than 10 years; except….

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